The Best Things in Life Are Free!

Here at Direct Office Solutions, we offer complimentary space planning and design services.

When you are looking at an empty office space, it can sometimes be difficult to envision exactly how you are going to lay everything out. Even if you have some basic ideas, if you are inexperienced in this area, your tentative floorplan may not be taking advantage of your space in the optimal manner. This is where we can enter the picture to make sure that your operation can run at peak efficiency.

We are well known as the leading provider of new and used office furniture for Broward County and Palm Beach County businesses. Our 60,000-square foot showroom is located at 700 NW 57th Court in Fort Lauderdale, so we are accessible to Hollywood, Boca Raton, Plantation, and other nearby cities.

Though we have established a reputation for our quality desks, chairs, tables, cubicles, etc., a lot of people do not know that we offer free space planning and design services. That’s right, you can schedule a space planning and design consultation at no cost, to make the most of your office space.

We use a highly refined, step-by-step process, and the first order of business will be the initial consultation. One of our highly experienced project consultants will visit your office space, gather measurements, and discuss your objectives with you. Things like privacy concerns, anticipated growth, traffic flow, and juxtaposition of departments that work together will be some of the topics we cover.

Within 24 to 72 hours, the project consultant that you are working with will present a completed multidimensional rendering of the recommended space plan created based on your feedback and our expertise. We are always happy to set up a meeting to discuss any necessary adjustments and walk you through our design choices. Once everything is in order, if you choose to go forward, we can move on to the installation and project management phase.

We Are Here to Help!

You will find that we provide friendly, attentive, highly professional service from the first start to finish. If you are ready to schedule your free space planning and design consultation, give us a call at 954-440-4410 or email us at

At Direct Office Solution we offer a full array of services and expertise designed to move your project quickly and efficiently. Our experts will guide you with recommendations, samples and options every step of the way.

Our staff creates 2D and 3D drawings to maximize square footage and support business objectives. It’s important the office furniture is positioned and used effectively in your office space. Additionally, our designers will work out those small details that may have been missed such as ideal traffic flow, getting the most from the natural light, as well as acoustical considerations.

Whether it be office space planning and design, moving your new furniture and removing your old furniture, refurbishing and refreshing old worn office furniture, or turning your concepts into reality with our custom furniture fabrication. We are able to handle large and small offices and projects. Our service will make the process painless, so you can get back to business and leave it to us to deliver excellence.

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